Mass Production Concepts(?)

Things that did not fit to the other parts
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Mass Production Concepts(?)

Post by TntAttack »


The game currently supports singular facility production of units. The benefits of singular production is that it is very simple in for both dev and player.

The disadvantages of this design is that with limited towns with in various locations promotes the production of infantry related units near clustered towns, aircraft for sparse towns away from the front line and Navy ships in towns near water.

Player Production effectiveness is dependent on geological spawning of towns. Note that this isn't really an issue but after playing for a long time, it does get pretty repetitive.

Introduction the mass production concept. By allowing the player to output more units per production building, unit diversity and unit quantity increases will change gameplay significantly.

The concept:

Originally (as you may of seen me discussing in other threads) the idea was that facilities like barracks could produce a "squad" of 3 infantry at the same time. Due to space constraints, and heavy AI coding changes needed to work the idea was scrapped.

What if towns could produce barracks? Let's imagine barracks, tank factory and airports as buildable units.

If we could "build" buildings facilities inside a town, we can technically end up with a town with a barracks inside.

Note that these building will have zero speed so they can't move.

Town= [infantry, infantry, barracks[empty, empty], empty]

Or a more filled town...

Town= [truck[infantry, aa, empty], airport[bomber, empty, empty], barracks[mg, empty], empty]

Where empty is free space containing no unit.


- Units production popup icon will need to change to accommodate at least 4 different units on one town.
- Max unit space capability is now 12 if every unit inside a town is a tank factory.
- Moving units from town.barracks[infantry, infantry] to town is complicated if there is no room in town inventory. Possible remedy is the "carrier peeking slot" idea that I raised in the unity workbench.

- Should players be able to take towns with facilities inside (and take those facilities) or do they have to destroy everything first?
- Is this concept better than the settlement, town, city system in AoM? Although AoM town system is of singular production, it does well in separating what could be built and not in certain locations.
- How can this idea be improved. Is it even feasible?
- If a town is producing a heavy bomber and there are 2 idle airports inside that town, should that town's production decrement by 3?
Stratego (dev)
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Re: Mass Production Concepts(?)

Post by Stratego (dev) »

it is again an interesting, revolutionary idea.
i think it would not even need coding (or only for the callout - but not sure how to change)

but not if it would be weird or not.

others what you think?
is there discord discussion about this?(i would link that here if we have)
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